Dental implants offer more than just restored tooth function; they can dramatically enhance your quality of life. The loss of just one singular tooth can disrupt the way you bite and chew, as well as impact your appearance. High-quality dental implants can restore your smile and boost your confidence.
At the forefront of modern dental technology, implants stand out as one of the most effective solutions. Whether you’ve lost just one tooth or need to have multiple teeth extracted, the impact can be devastating on your confidence, appearance and comfort.
Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth. When you opt for implant treatment at our Leicester practice, you can relax with the knowledge that you are in the safe and capable care of our team. .
Dental implants are the latest solution for replacing missing teeth, bridges, or dentures. The root is made of titanium, which is placed into the gum to form a secure foundation, whilst the replacement tooth is fitted on top to create a comfortable, life-like replacement.
As an advanced dental procedure, implant placement requires a meticulously tailored treatment plan that caters to your unique requirements. At our Leicester practice, we are dedicated to delivering the best possible results for our patients. Our team of experienced dentists will navigate you through each stage of your dental implant treatment. You can expect guidance and professional support throughout every phase of the process.
Our before-and-after images showcase the transformative results of dental implant placement and wonderful new smiles of our patients. Get in touch today to book your appointment at our Leicester practice.